We had talks in school from morning till 1230 -.- Pastoral, Character, Discipline, Leadership etc.
My school doesn't get hyped up over Valentine's day so it wasn't like AHS where everybody goes around like madmen/women in the morning. Man, I actually miss those days where your table would be filled with sweets, notes, flowers and everything nice when you step into the class.
I wrote notes for a few people, and that was probably around 1/10 of what I did last year LOL. ate baked potatoes during the break with Wendy, Glenda, Sandra and Bekloo. The only people celebrating vday were the councillors I think, they really had bags and bags of presents zomg.
Got a fererro from Wendy and a cookie from Annisaa, the talks after the break were seriously DAMN BORING. The few of us sat at the back of the hall, and I was playing with wilson's phone, talking to glenda and looking around half the time and spent the other half stoning and sleeping O: My stomach hurt damn alot during the talks too ):
Its Wendy's last day in SRJC today so we decided to take photos :D I'll definitely miss her, she was really nice (especially when she helped me out in those blindfolded games! ^_^)
Wendy, me, Sandra and yao
Wendy! ;D
Glenda and Sandra!
Glenda and Wendy~
JASLYN! :D My Orion2 OG mate who's in Cetus now too!
Random picture of yao and the flowers
The very high girl from the class next to us in Cetus ROFL
They asked me to take this photo hahaha. That's benjamin from my ex OG Orion 2 too, LOL at the face :D
Aww, amanda gave me the straw hearts! ^_^ Yeahman, we're gonna have late Friday breakfasts from now on :D
ORION (my ex house hohoho)
Found Ms kwa our art teacher for the Timetabling since art wasn't in the timetables. There's only 8 students in my batch this year and we're gonna do sculptures in SEM 1 O:
Anyway, timetable for art's gay ): We have to stay till 7+ on tuesday and lunch break would be taken away for Friday but its okay I guess at least it'll be fun (besides the theory part!)
SORRY SHILING FOR MAKING YOU WAIT SO LONG D: Decided to go to AHS with her, took 81 to tpjcstop and then 17 to ahs. Gosh, I totally need new earphones. & OHMYGOODNESS I MISSED CHANG CHENG!!
She went to find the band members while I went to the canteen to eat FISHBALL MEE!!
Walked around the school for awhile after that and guess who I found at the concourse!
YINGZHI! Her reaction when she saw me was "OMG EMMA!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!"
So I went to hug her yay! AND I THINK JC UNIFORMS MAKES EVERYONE LOOK SMARTER. Huiling and Shiling got quite amused by her reaction and started acting it out LOL. Man, I MISS HER AND 4L! and 2D!
(Huiling and Shiling were there too!)
Huiling! (I still remember randomly giving her sweets during vday last year and her reaction was like HUH why you give me LOL)
Shiling! My go home buddy hahaha.
Huilling kinda got fascinated by my cam so they decided to camwhore LOL
O: homework
YAY COOLEST PIC OF THE DAY! Weird colour combination though, that was when yingzhi's funny incident happened (after, actually). Read that from her blog!
After Xuanee was dismissed from SSS, I went to find the choir! They were having auditions for SYF so the whole bunch of them were sitting outside :D
Shuqing Junyao! (heard she got a stomachache after our zongjimimah last time O:)
LOOLOO!!!!!!!! retarded duck lol
Mhmm, I kinda got bored and decided to listen to the altos audition 8D Actually it was more of awkwardness ): Hate telling people my school and stuff lol. Pam was in there too, shortly after that Chia and Marcus came along~
Reminds me of how nervous I was then, during SYF 2007 auditions :X They had combines after all the auditions (some Sec 1s are actually quite good already!)
Everybody's asking me why I'm not gonna join choir in JC, and the answer is simple: It'll never ever be better than AHchoir, I wont' join any cca that won't give me any sense of satisfaction. Nope, don't think I'm joining SYF09choir in SRJ either.
Halfway through, Kayat Youngyee and Limying came to visit too! ;D
They sang the syf songs and I recorded a few pieces! There was Miao, ave maria and the horsey set piece 8D
Slacked around for a loooooongggg time before we walked home~ AHH I MISSED ALL MY JUNIORS SO MUCH! I'm going for choir tomorrow too but Riane goh can't make it sigh ): Am excited to hear combines again ^_^
Waited for kaikai at tanahmerah mrt;
Koba is still greatly missed ^_^. Ashley gave me a shock while I was eating cause she came from the back and tapped on my shoulder (no, slapped would be a better word). TOTALLY DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS COMING, THANKS AH KAIKAI AND ASH -___-
I missed everyone laaaaaaaa
k gtg do my stuff, more updates on yesterday and misc stuff soon! ^_^
happy valentine's day in advance,
lurbdubx (lol)
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